Creating a form

Our form builder module allows you to create custom forms for each of your workflows. You can add as many forms as you’d like inside a workflow, and create form templates to reuse inside different workflows.

Creating your form

You can create your form directly from your workflow, and click on the “configure module” button to start building it.

If you prefer, you can also create a form from your reusable templates page and use it elsewhere when you create workflows.

When you create a form inside a workflow, it’ll be automatically added to your reusable template library. Just keep in mind that when you modify a template, it’ll change everywhere, including in your live workflows. For instance, if you add a question, it’ll be added for all your contacts currently in a specific workflow.

Customizing the form

When you arrive in your form builder page after clicking the “configure” button, you’ll be able to change the form’s global settings:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Description
  • Call to action

To do so, just click on the “pencil” button next to your form’s title and it’ll open a popup as in the screenshot below:


Adding form inputs

Now, once you’ve set your global settings, you can start building your form and creating questions.

You can choose between several types of inputs:

  • Short text: perfect for short answers like a first name or a last name.
  • Long text: perfect for longer paragraphs or a full address
  • Number: if you’d only like numbers to be input, such as a post code. As a warning: this only includes absolute numbers, which means this is not adapted to decimal numbers or phone numbers starting with a zero.
  • URL: must begin with http(s)://
  • Date: it’ll show a nice calendar for people to choose a date
  • Email address: we’ll do a check to see if it’s a real e-mail address
  • A list of options: this will create a select dropdown with all options you’d like to add.
  • Multiple choices: a question where people can select several answers at a time.
  • Radio: a question for people to choose only one answer.
  • A checkbox: ideal if you need people to accept terms and conditions, for example.
  • Country: A special input type with a list of all countries (so you don’t have to write them all manually!)

For each of those, you’ll be able to add information, such as:

  • Internal input name: the internal name you will use (eg. Email)
  • Label: the name you’d like to show (*eg. “Your e-mail address”)
  • Placeholder (when relevant): the example answer you expect, (eg.

Once you’re done with building your form, you can preview it easily and reorder questions to your liking, as in the screenshot below:


…and you’re done!

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