If you have issues with your usage of Superdocu, please read this article and follow the steps explained below.
1. I am getting “Unprocessable entity” when I log in
To protect your account from man-in-the-middle attacks, we use CSRF tokens which prevent cross-site request forgery. In a nutshell: we store a unique code in your computer cookies, and we verify this code when you log in. If there is a mismatch, we do not allow you to log in.
The solution to this problem is to delete your Superdocu cookies, reload the page and sign-in again. Here are the steps you should follow:
On Google Chrome:
- Copy and paste the following site in your address bar:
- Click on the small ‘Trash bin’ icon for each item and delete them all
Go back to the sign-in page and reload it, or open the following link in a new window:
- That’s all, you should be able to sign in!
On Microsoft Edge
- Select “settings and more” in the menu
- Select Settings and more > Settings > Cookies and site permissions. Under Cookies and data stored, select Manage and delete cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data
- Search for
- Delete all cookies in the list
- Go back to the sign-in page and reload it, or open the following link in a new window:
- That’s all, you should be able to sign in!
On Firefox
- In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click Firefox and select “Preferences”
- Select the “Privacy & security” panel and go to the “Cookies and Site Data” section.
- Click on “Manage Data” button, and a “Manage Cookies and Site Data” section will appear.
- In the “Search websites” field, type
- Click on “remove all shown”
Go back to the sign-in page and reload it, or open the following link in a new window:
- That’s all, you should be able to sign in!
2. The “Test Workflow” button redirects me to a sign-in page.
As you log in both as an admin and a third-party (client or supplier, for instance), we create cookies to store the session for both users.
When you click on the “test workflow” button, we create a temporary user so that you can preview what your contacts will view. But if you were already logged in beforehand, there might be a stale cookie left on your computer.
If that’s the case, please follow the steps mentioned above for the issue #1, and make sure to also search for your custom domain (eg.
) if you have set it up, and delete cookies for it as well.
If this doesn’t work, please make sure you allow third-party cookies on your browser.
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