What is an active request?
What is an active request on Superdocu?
Depending on your plan, you will have limits for the number of active requests you can have during a specific month.
In Superdocu, we consider active contacts: an active contact is a person that either needs to send information or to get it validated.
Here are a few examples of what we consider as active contacts/requests or not:
Example | Counts as active request? |
A customer has been invited to a workflow and has not sent their documents or information. | Counts as one active request |
A customer has been invited to a workflow and has partially sent their documents or information. | Counts as one active request |
A customer has been invited to 3 workflows and has not (or has partially) sent their documents or information. | Counts as one active request |
A customer has been invited to workflows and has sent all their information and documents. The admin has not validated the information yet. | Counts as one active request |
A customer has been invited to workflows and has sent all their information and documents. The admin has validated everything. | Doesn’t count as an active request |
A customer has been invited to workflows and has sent all their information and documents. The admin has validated everything, but a document has expired. | Counts as one active request |
Active requests are calculated at a given month, and it resets at the beginning of each month.
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